Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wednesday, July 30, 2014 Tommy's last day to play

Today is Tommy's last full day in the mountains.  Been looking at apartments & jobs for him - think he would be happy living here.  Unfortunately, we woke up to another threat of thunderstorms so once again, we picked a couple of trails close to town.  There are several trails off Colo 110 along Cement Creek.  We did two of them.  Not sure where we were: either Soda Gulch, Henrietta Gulch, and/or Niagara Gulch.

Grandma was determined to do a hike with Tommy today.
Here he is off & away; I lagged behind.

That's Silverton in the distance, between the trees.

I only made it a little bit past this talus.
Tommy met me on his way back from the top!

Next, we went to another trail & explored some old mines.
This is what the one above looked like inside:
Tommy - always in motion.

An old air compressor acts as a road block:


Tommy is going to come back in ten years & see if this Christmas tree is ready:

 Western Bacon Cheeseburger at Handlebars for lunch.
Pizza at Black Bear for dinner. 
Tommy says "good-bye" to Silverton dining. 


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday, July 29, 2014 BANDERA

It rained all night and has been raining on and off today.  For that reason, we picked a short trail that was not likely to have any mudslides or threat of slides.  We took the road out past the Bandera Mine.  I was driving -  It sure is rocky!!  We did see some deer and were able to photograph a mom & babe.

Thru the windshield - one of my water crossings: 


Here's mama:

 Baby camouflaged in the flowers:
Mama in the trees; baby just above the yellow flowers:

Watched the hummers this afternoon.
Wished I could get a picture of them fighting over the feeder:



Monday, July 28, 2014


The hummingbirds are really going thru the food.  They get very impatient when I bring their feeders inside to refill so Tommy fed one with a plastic lid.  He was able to feel the wind from their wings:
We did some exploring in Ross Basin:
Tommy on top of a vertical mine:
In Ross Basin; Tommy"s first hike of the day:
On top of the trail to Sunny Side Saddle looking down at Ross Basin:
Jimmy watching Tommy on his second hike of the day:
Tommy at the top:
Cooling off:
My favorite picture of the day:
Lake Como:
Snow ledge above wildflowers: